“We never knew what the Ronald McDonald House was before Marilee was born, but now, it’s the most special place in our home and our hearts.”
“Anytime we come close to the Ronald McDonald House, Marilee gets all excited and begs to go to the House.
Marilee was born to Andy and Kristy Stahl and lives in Ruthilda, Saskatchewan with her four siblings, Tydus, Zackary, Emily and Noah. Marilee was born with a heart condition, called Tetralogy of Fallot and severe pulmonary stenosis. She has been diagnosed with Beaulieu-Boycott-Innes syndrome, and quite a few other health issues.
When Marilee was 5 days old she was airlifted to Edmonton, Alberta for her first open heart surgery at 10 days old. Lots of complications and other health issues that have resulted in lots of hospital stays for us. We spent 8 months in the Ronald McDonald House in the first year of her life.
The Ronald McDonald House has a special place in our hearts. Anytime we drive to the city, our kids beg to visit the House. A place where we feel understood and are always welcomed. A place where we can unwind after a long day at the hospital, a place like no other.
The staff and volunteers go above and beyond to make you feel welcome, and the hard work they put into keeping the House a happy place for the families that stay. They are truly amazing angels.
We’ve formed some special friendships with families that are walking a similar path, friends that we would never have met otherwise.
We never knew what the Ronald McDonald House was before Marilee was born, but now, it’s the most special place in our home and our hearts.”
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